An Analytical, Computational, Impressive, with Interpersonal and Problem –Solving Skills. Marvin is confident with a broad base of experience and knowledge in the world of information technology, Marketing, Branding, Public Relations, Banking, and Financial Management, adventurous and ready to explore.
He is enthusiastic, a great communicator, ready for any challenge and service in an institution that is looking for a dynamic, practical man. He is always ready and available to use the skills he has developed over the years which align extremely well with the skills of the new world.
He has learnt to digest and summarize large amounts of complex information, present ideas – both orally and in writing – in an organized and coherent approach, reshape ideas in light of new circumstances and ask creative questions to stimulate discussion. His wide-ranging college, university and career have provided a combination of skills and experiences that are well suited to the challenges in the global world.
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